Where Writers Meet Real Readers
Get Insightful Comments on Your Writings
* Comments will be sent directly to your email and will not be posted publicly.
X (Twitter) @mako_comsubscWhat is the most important thing when continuing to write novels or blogs?
Is it talent?
Is it originality?
Or perhaps perseverance?
The Most Important Thing
It’s Readers.
All great novelists agree:
“It was readers who made me who I am.”
We’re The Readers Who Always Stand by Your Side.
Newly penned novels and blog posts seldom receive comments.
But this is a tremendous loss.
Despite the abundance of hidden talent in the world, society is astonishingly indifferent to helping these talents blossom.
Readers Who Cares About Your Writings Even More Than You Do.
That’s the kind of reader we aim to be.
We’re confident that we can contribute meaningfully to your creative journey.
Trusted Readers
Our readers are passionate about reading and possess the literary talent to provide insightful comments.
Not a single reader engages with your work “just for the money.”
Service Reliability
We prioritize the trust of creators above all else.
Your use of our service will remain confidential.
We will never share your submitted works with anyone other than our readers without your permission.
Any Works Welcome!
You can register works not published on the web, such as pieces intended for competitions.
18+ works are also accepted.
* If no works are registered 14 days before the end of your subscription period, your plan will be automatically canceled.
We accept bank transfers in addition to credit cards and Google Pay.
If you’d like to pay via bank transfer, please contact us here.
Q: What kind of works can I register?
A: You can register 18+ works or pieces not published on the web. When registering, you can either provide the URL of your work or upload the text directly.
* You can also host your work on online storage platforms like Google Drive and share the link.
* Since readers choose works they’re interested in from our pool, comments on certain genres like fan fiction may be harder to provide. We’ll refund you for any comments we can’t deliver.
Q: Are there any restrictions on word count or length for writings?
A: There’s no strict limit, but for writings exceeding 10,000 words, we’ll provide comments in 10,000-word increments. For example, a 20,000-word piece may receive two separate comments covering each half. For “Standard Plus” and “Premium Plus” plans, comments are provided in 50,000-word increments.
Q: What kind of comments will I receive?
A: You’ll get genuine comments akin to that from “real readers”, not overly flattering or sycophantic remarks. Rest assured, we avoid harsh criticisms; your creative motivation is our top priority. You can specify detailed requests in the “Message to Readers” section when registering your work.
Q: I’m sensitive to criticism. Can I request gentle comments?
A: Absolutely! Simply mention “Please provide positive feedback only (no critiques)” in the “Message to Readers” when you register your writings. We’ll focus on highlighting the strengths of your piece.
Q: When will I receive the comments?
A: Starting from your registration date, we’ll deliver the number of comments specified in your plan within one month. Your subscription renews automatically every month unless canceled, and you’ll be billed for the next period accordingly. Cancel anytime within the current period to avoid future charges. (The number of comments per period is indicated in the email subject line.)
* Since readers select writings they’re interested in, the timing of comment delivery may vary.
Q: Can I choose my readers?
A: You can’t select specific readers, but you can send “Request to read again!” or “Request to read another!” to readers who have commented on your writings.
Q: Can I ask questions to the readers?
A: Yes, you can ask questions for an additional fee. However, responses depend on the reader’s availability. If we’re unable to provide an answer, we’ll issue a full refund.
Q: 読者はどのような形で感想を書いていますか?
A: 読者は、コメントサブスクの登録作品の中から担当する作品をいつでも自由に選ぶことができます。運営が読者に「この作品を読んでください」と強制することはありませんし、月次のノルマ等もございません (コメントサブスクは読者の自由意志を最大限に尊重しています)。読者は作品担当後、作品ごとに設定された期日までに感想を書いていただき、その後は運営チェックののちにその感想を利用者にお送りしています。
コメントサブスクはいつでも読者を募集しておりますので、ご興味のある方は こちら よりぜひご応募をお待ちしております!
① 読者が読みたい作品を自由に選択
② 作品選択後、読者それぞれのペースで感想の執筆に取り掛かる
③ 感想の完成後、運営が内容をチェック
④ 感想の内容に問題がなければ、利用者にその感想を送付
Q: 無料期間中に解約 (キャンセル) するとどうなりますか?
A: 無料期間中の解約に際して料金が発生することは一切ありません。期間途中の解約であっても、当期のプランの回数分のコメントはすべてお送りします。
Q: 利用者の口コミは掲載しないのですか?
A: 利用者の方からは日々数多くのコメントサブスクへの感想をいただいておりますが、あえてこちらのサイトには載せておりません (よく知らないサービスのWEBサイトに掲載された口コミは信じるべきではありません)。X (Twitter) 上で「コメントサブスク」「#コメントサブスク」「コメサブ」等と検索いただくと利用者の生の感想を見ることができますので、ぜひそちらをご確認ください!
クレジットカード・Google Pay 以外にも、銀行振込にも対応しております。
銀行振込をご希望の方は こちら よりお問い合わせください。